Chapbooks, Collections, and More

Ephemeral Village

a chapbook collection of linked poems

Ephemeral Village
 is a collection of twenty poems that I wrote specifically to be a chapbook, all focused on the idea of a floating, transitory village.

There's a Calvino-esque sense to these poems, of holding up the details and idiosyncrasies of an imaginary place as a way to reflect and counter the ways we create meaning and truth and identity in our own ephemeral homes.

The book is available (at least to US readers) from Barnes & NobleAmazon, and various other online bookstores. Here's a UK link from Foyles. And the first link that went live was this bookstore in Sweden. (Google is showing me bookstores in Finland, Denmark, and Taiwan, as well, on the first page of results--so check your own favorite, local source!) 

The Market of Magical Goods

a chapbook of linked microfiction tales

Welcome to the Market of Magical Goods, a series of brief, fabulist visions of wonder.

What is the Market? It's an open air marketplace where you can buy magical rings and swords and flying carpets, potions and curses and a vast array of fakes. Beware!

Each story is exactly 100 words, offering a teasing glimpse into the true powers at work in the market.

If you want a taste of what these stories are like, I've posted one on Ko-fi, "The Seller of Rain in the Magical Market." They're brief and whimsical little stories that are easy to quickly read whenever you have a minute to spare.

Check out the collection--available in both print and ebook editions!

Cities of Wonder, Rails of Irreality:

stories and poems of Yahm

The cities along the Yahm Railroad expose many mysteries of the cosmos—of language, meaning, and reality. Bringing together equal parts of the fabulist tales of Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities and the languid and evocative fantasies of Lord Dunsany, these thirteen stories and poems explore the strange realities of these cities...and perhaps of all cities. By the author of the Spire City series and the Arcist Chronicles, this collection combines a mixture of previously published work with new writings to create a whole that twists and juggles with the reality we think we know.
This collection brings together thirteen stories and poems with a fabulist/magical realist slant.

Table of Contents:
  • The Locus of All Rails (previously unpublished poem)
  • City of Games (previously published in Raven Electrick Ink's Sport Spec)
  • City of Façades (previously published in Raven Electrick Ink's Cinema Spec)
  • Cities of Nostalgia (previously published in Kaleidotrope 11)
  • Orthography in the Lands of Yahm (previously published in Strange Horizons, poem)
  • Village of the Time Travelers (previously published in the INDIEpendence Anthology)
  • City of Animals (previously unpublished flash fiction)
  • The Singing Caves (previously unpublished flash fiction)
  • The City of Corpses (previously unpublished short story)
  • The People of Train Smoke (previously unpublished poem)
  • City of Letters (previously unpublished flash fiction)
  • The City of Lost Voices (previously unpublished flash fiction)
  • The Fossils of Yahm (previously unpublished flash fiction)
