An online reading...and cover art!
I'm doing an online reading this evening! Tonight at 7:30 pm Pacific time, there will be a live viewing of Fae News on YouTube. (I'm not in Pacific time, but they are, so that's the time I'm giving--do the math to figure it out, just like I have to... :p ) I'm scheduled to appear around 8:00 Pacific. If you're up at that time, I'd love to have you tune in to listen to me read, join in the comments section, enter a drawing for a copy of The Silk Betrayal, and catch up on...whatever happens to come up during the show.
Hope you can make it!
Oh yeah, and there's cover art for The Roots of Betrayal...and a new landing page for the novel on Guardbridge Books' website. Pre-order and ordering links will go live as they become available (one is already available...).
What's the story about?
Terrorists attack the Princes, Outcasts build a new city,and the mage Pavresh discovers that Arcist Magic is more powerful than ever imagined.