Spire City, Season Two finale!

Just under three months ago, Season Two began. And in that whirlwind span, thirteen episodes have all come out on time, without any glitches. Hurray! Have you been reading along, keeping up as they release? Or are you waiting until the whole thing is out? Well, it's all there, now, with a climactic ending that sets us up for Season Three: Unwoven in just a few months.

Either way, subscribers now have all episodes, and you can get each one separately from Amazon or B&N, as you prefer. And if you want to cut out the Amazon intermediary, why not just sign up directly here? Subscribe now at paypal.me/DanielAusema, and I'll simply send you each of the episodes immediately.

In fact, I'll even drop the price for this week: receive all the Season Two episodes right away for only $5 US, or for $8 US get the complete Season One bundle plus all the Season Two episodes. Check out the Spire City tab for more details.
