All Possible Worlds closure

I realized that I hadn't mentioned this yet--I was very sad to learn of this last week. They published one of my stories in the premiere issue, and they'd just released the second issue, so things seemed to be going well. I know there were some real life issues that had the editor (team?) behind on submissions, but it still came as a shock when I saw it mentioned on a forum that they'd closed. I wish Jason and everyone else involved the best. And of course I'll still leave the link up on the right so you can buy a copy of issue 1 or 2, if you're inclined. (The cover art for issue 1 is especially cool, so do check it out.)

Though actually, I suppose the better response is to take that money and support some of the other small press zines and various venues--those in my list on the right or any others. Electric Velocipede, LCRW, Sybil's Garage are a few that jump to mind that haven't published me--yet--but that strike me as worthy print zines to support, and you can always donate to any of the great (or even just good) ezines that give so much content for free. And of course I'm partial to those that have published my stories... (And speaking of, I should be posting something about Kaleidotrope 3 soon)


BowFinder said…
Hi d. Even though I never succeeded at selling anything to All Possible Worlds, I'm sorry to hear they've shut down. Always sad to hear there's one less fantasy market out there. :(
Daniel Ausema said…
Hey, Bowfinder--welcome! Yeah, disappointing definitely.