Sporty Spec from Raven Electrick Ink

Just this morning I had a very welcome acceptance for my story "City of Games" for this anthology coming out later this year. It's a new venture into print publishing by Karen Romanko of Raven Electrick, an ezine that has established itself nicely over the years (I have a poem appearing in the ezine next year, so there's already a link to that, though I think I'll add a link directly to Sporty Spec as well).

The story was meant to convey a touch of Dunsany, whose short work I much admire, and also turned out to have a pretty strong Italo Calvino feel to it, especially like his Invisible Cities. I think that crept in partly because of a discussion on another forum about that book right around the time I wrote the piece. But Calvino is among my favorite two or three authors, so I've had other stories that were Calvino-esque as well.

I have another story acceptance...I think. The editor asked for some (very) minor changes, which I already sent in. But I'll wait to announce it for sure until I get the confirmation on it.
