"Force them to re-examine..."

At various times I've posted links here to articles on MSNBC or NY Times, especially scientific articles. I never enjoyed science classes much, but I love learning about new discoveries, especially related to stars, animals and plants, and history. For example, there was recently an article (at both those sites) about a new discovery that Neanderthals may have survived much later than previously thought. Evidence in Gibraltar seems to point to a small surviving group of Neanderthals thousands of years after they'd apparently gone extinct elsewhere. Things like that are fascinating to me.


To all those writing these articles, please retire the phrase "...force them to re-examine..." Astronomy articles seem especially guilty of this, probably because we're constantly learning new things. But please, you're writers--find a new way to say it.


So one could say that if they take your advice and try to think of new wording, then you have forced them to re-examine their use of the phrase. :p

Sorry, had to do it.
Daniel Ausema said…
:) I guess so...